West: I'm good at school and naughty at home.
Me: Why is that West?
West (grumpily): Because I'm an opposite person!
Cash's front tooth is on the bottom of Lake Quivera. West accidentally kicked it out while they were swimming (it was already very loose.) Now both his top front teeth are gone!
Cash: I get to go to kindergarten tomorrow!
West: Stop talking about kindergaren Cash - you're going to miss me!
So West made his own dinner tonight - he called it "Dinner Pie". It was as digusting as the name implies - he took a whole wheat tortilla, spread it with Catalina dressing, honey and butter, then he added cut up chicken nuggets and topped it with cheddar cheese. Travis cooked it for him on the skillet til the cheese melted. And then West ate it up!
West tried to kiss me like Ken kisses Barbie on Toy Story. In the middle of Sam's Club.
West is a baby hoarder. He has one tupperware container for his fingernail clippings, one for feathers from his pillow and one for used popsicle sticks.
West: Mommy, what's a mo-hog? Me: I don't know. West: It's a mohawk for a pig!
West decided that he's going to grow his hair out "long like mommy hair" so he can have a baby in his tummy someday. I tried to explain that this is not possible but he's going to try it anyway.
Went to a wedding tonight. Cash spent the entire 20 minute ride home telling us all about the husband and husband wedding he and West were going to have. He said since it was two boys getting married, West would be the "bride" and he would be the "ide".